Tyler Cordaro

Tyler Cordaro

Friday, February 16, 2007

Tyler Cordaro

Tyler Cordaro
“Cutting and running is bad enough,’’ he said. “But the Murtha-Pelosi 'slow-bleed' plan is far worse. It is a cynical and dangerous erosion of our ability to fight the terrorists while we still have men and women on the ground in Iraq.”

The National Republican Congressional Committee and Senate Republicans are also preparing to use the “slow-bleed” line in their own news releases, slamming Murtha and the Democrats.

Simmons, Jannace

Simmons The strategy being employed by Murtha and other House Democratic leaders would force Bush and Republican congressional leaders to accept the new troop restrictions, or face the possibility the supplemental spending bill would falter, thus cutting off all funding for the war.

Democrats are betting that Bush and the Republicans won’t take that risk and will go along with the Democratic proposals. And Republican leaders are not taking Murtha’s threats lightly.

The Republican National Committee has e-mailed supporters, urging them to contact newspapers and other media outlets to object to the congressman’s proposals.

The RNC was reacting to a story in The Politico on Wednesday that spelled out the Democratic strategy of cutting off the supply of troops available for the war, while retaining funding for forces already deployed in Iraq.

Without the troops to execute the surge, the Pentagon would find it increasingly difficult to keep U.S. forces in Iraq.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Simmons, Jannace & Stagg

this is all text i copied off another site I have no idea what it says
o far — and understandably so — Orloff’s staffers have stayed hush-hush on the topic, except for Orloff’s No. 2, Nancy O’Malley. Backers served her well-publicized gender discrimination lawsuit against DA Tom Orloff on Friday afternoon.*

“We’re prepared to respond,” said County Counsel Richard Winnie, who confirmed Friday that the county has hired outside counsel Susan Harriman of Keker & Van Nest to represent the county in this lawsuit.

“It’s gonna be a complex case,” Winnie said. “(Backers) intends to make it complex.”

But in Orloff's office, Deputy DA Joni Leventis said Thursday that she recently read the allegations and was “really taken aback.”

Friday, February 02, 2007

Jim Kohler Band

Jim Kohler Band

Some of Britain's biggest cinema chains have pulled hit comedy "Night at the Museum" from their screens in protest against Hollywood studio Twentieth Century Fox's plans to rush out the DVD version.